Tapestry Display Racks
Show More and Sell More.
Finally, a poster-style wall-mounted tapestry display rack. Your customers can flip through over 24 tapestry designs and flip out to the max with full scale mind-blowing, wallet-opening 3D effects.
The rack has 12 arms designed to hold 2-4 tapestries each. Fully open the display spans 13 feet and swing radius of around 5 feet. Rack must be screwed into studs indoors, and it is relatively easy to install.
Maximize your tapestry sales. Stores with racks typically sell 4 times more.
Ask your sales rep how you can receive a FREE display rack
This rack is designed for the exclusive use for Sunshine Joy tapestries. Other tapestry brands may not work on this rack.
The wholesale price of tapestry rack is only offered to customers purchase enough tapestries to fill the rack.